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Delete a conversation in the WebApp
In the Zivver WebApp, you can move a conversation to your Trash or permanently delete a conversation. The latter will also remove yourself as a participant. This page explains how.
Move a conversation to your Trash
- Click the conversation in your inbox.
- Click more_vert More.
- Select delete Move conversation to trash
The conversation is now in your Trash. Thus, you do not receive notifications of new replies to this conversation in your inbox. You are still a participant.
Once in your Trash, you can move the conversation back to your inbox by selecting Move conversation to inbox under More.
Delete a conversation and remove yourself as a participant
- Click delete Trash
- Select the conversation in your Trash.
- Click more_vert More.
- Select delete_forever Delete Conversation.
A confirmation screen pops up asking you if you are sure about deleting the conversation. - Click Delete to confirm.
You permanently deleted the conversation from your account. You also removed yourself from this conversation as a participant.
After you removed yourself from a conversation as a participant, you cannot see the conversation. Other participants still have access to all the messages in the conversation.