Replying to a Zivver message in OWA


How do you reply to a Zivver message in the Zivver Outlook Web Access (OWA) Add-in?

Replying to a Zivver message

Compose your reply

  1. Open the Zivver message you want to reply to.
  2. Click reply Reply or reply_all Reply all.
    The reply window opens. The Zivver notification message may be included in your reply, depending on your OWA settings.
  3. Remove the Zivver notification message if needed.
  4. Type your reply.
    Secure mailing is enabled by default when replying to a secure message. However, you may receive a notification, for example, if you forgot to attach a file.
  5. Click Open Zivver in the notification to open the Zivver side panel and view the details of the notification.

(Optional) Add a large attachment

  1. (Optional) Click Message > to open the Zivver side panel.
    Here, you can view the conversation content.
  2. Click chevron_left next to Conversation Information.
  3. Click Attachments to add an attachment (up to 5 TB).
	<img src="/notice-icons/warning.svg"> Warning

<div class="notice-inner">
	Never use the default OWA option <strong>Share as OneDrive link</strong>. This option is not supported by Zivver.

Send your reply

  1. Click Send.
    If further actions are required, the Zivver screen will appear. Follow the steps on the screen to send your message.
	<img src="/notice-icons/info.svg"> Info

<div class="notice-inner">
	You cannot add new recipients to an existing Zivver conversation.