Zivver Outlook Web Access Add-in v4 release notes
This document describes changes introduced in Zivver Outlook Web Access Add-in as of release v4.0.0. Please see the upgrade manual for more details on how to perform the upgrade from v3 to v4.
June 14th, 2022
- We've introduced Zivver Rebranding to the new OWA version. Now you can see updated colours and icons in our add-in.
- Fix for bug where emails would get stuck in a draft upon consecutively new message attempts
- Fixed an issue where you're not able to reply/Forward a message from shared mailbox in a folder (without changing **FROM**)
- Fixed an intermittent issue when Secure replying with attachments was sent with no Zivver attachments
- Fixed an issue when an attachment remained in the `Secure Attachments` menu after being deleted
- Fix for sending a secure message from the Shared Mailbox (the message was stuck in "*Working on your request*" state after OWA release v.4.1.9).
- **Confirm** button gets selected now when clicking `enter` key on the keyboard being in confirmation sending pop-up.
- Clicking **Back** after adding a verification method while sending a message to a non-Zivver recipient would result in a continuous **Loading** loop. This behavior has been fixed.
- When sending a ZIVVER message with inline image in the signature via OWA, the user would get stuck in the attachment overview screen. This behavior no longer appears.
- Reply/forward from a shared mailbox now has more clear user flow.
- While setting up recipient verification for messages with many recipients in the **TO:** field, the user could not see the last recipient and scroll wouldn't work. This issue has been fixed.
- Zivver no longer blocks Outlook from sending normal emails when Zivver backend is not accessible or down.
- Sometimes when users would send a message that contained attachments or inline images, the flow would get stuck in the “Checking Attachments” window. This issue has been fixed.
- Some users were unable to send / reply to a Zivver message with an attachment and they would receive a `FinalizeZivverDraft` error. This issue has been fixed.
- Users would sometimes not be notified when a rule would be triggered, activating sending with Zivver, instead they would be prompted to choose a verification method directly. Users are now notified.
- Messages sent to a distribution list now can be read by Zivver users in the distribution list. Such messages are also now properly shown in the sender's **Sent items** folder.
- Side pane no longer gets stuck in 'loading message' when multiple messages are opened in quick succession while the Zivver side pane is open and pinned.
- Hitting **Reply** on a message with many recipients no longer results in a Reply All draft being created
- Confirmation pop-up is now displayed correctly upon hitting **Reply** on a message with many recipients with the side panel closed
- It is now possible to send non-Zivver e-mail from non-Zivver account when switching from a Zivver account to a non-Zivver account in the 'From' field
- Fixed an issue where some users could become stuck in an infinite login loop
- Sending a first time message to a contact without Zivver-account now correctly triggers a rule violation pop-up
- Now able to reply to message when the message recipient list contains a user which doesn't have a display name.
- Trusted Domain business rule now correctly suppresses business rule notifications
- Fixed a localization issue.
- Fixed a bug where messages sometimes were not delivered when changing from Zivver message to normal message.
- Fixed a potential security issue where after setting up 2FA with SMS / access code, the message was still being sent with a verification email.
August 25th, 2021
- Users no longer can access the delegate list and refresh token of other users
- The **Read with Zivver** / **Send with Zivver** button will no longer be displayed in Outlook on the Desktop, to deal with performance issues.
- New way of handling update between major versions will help users avoid downtime caused by uninstalling, installing, or updating the add-in.
- A bugfix for users no longer being able to access the delegate list and refresh token of other users
July 12th, 2021
- Switching to functional account no longer shows login screen
- Changing the From field to a functional account no longer shows a login error
- Updated Zivver l10n/i18n internals.
June 7th, 2020
Zivver Outlook Web Access Add-in now supports Exchange mailbox and folder sharing, to maintain feature parity across Zivver client integrations which offer the possibility to delegate accounts.
- It is now possible to choose whether a sent message gets saved to the Outlook sent items folder of the delegate account, or that of the delegated account.
- Support for shared Exchange folders. (Delegate in Zivver)
- Support for shared Exchange mailboxes. (Delegate in Zivver)