Zivver Outlook Web Access Add-in v3 release notes


This document describes changes introduced in Zivver Outlook Web Access Add-in as of release 3.0.0. ​ Please note: We no longer support v3 versions of OWA. Please see the upgrade manual for more details on how to perform the upgrade from v3 to v5. ​


May 31st, 2021

  • Introduced a fix that now enabled you to forward a message in multiple conversations.
​ ## 3.0.53 ​ _May 25th, 2021_ ​
  • Secure attachments are now removed when the Close close button is pressed.
  • Distribution list warning is no longer shown when Zivver is off.
  • Distribution list members is now sent to backend instead of showing a distribution list error to users.
​ ## 3.0.52 ​ _May 5th, 2021_ ​
  • Fixed a situation where some types of attachments could not be sent
  • Fixed a bug where email body was replaced with Zivver template message in **Sent** items folder
  • 'Secure Mailing' no longer automatically activated when business rule trigger is set to **Suggestion**
  • Adding a large attachment no longer results in a security warning
​ ## 3.0.48 ​ _March 16, 2021_ ​
  • Dialogue doesn't appear as standard anymore when sending email: In the previous OWA add-in version a dialogue screen popped up upon pressing Send as Zivver was scanning the contents of the email for potential data leaks. The application has been made significantly faster by only showing this dialogue when users are sending (large) attachments or when there are actions for the user to undertake.
  • Possibility for organizations to not have to log in every 30 days: By default, users had to periodically re-authenticate themselves with Zivver for security reasons. Zivver now offers organizations the option to no longer enforce this rule.
  • Login screen was sometimes difficult to read on smaller screens.
  • Secure mailing was turned on upon sending when user had turned this off manually. Now this doesn't happen anymore unless a business rule is triggered that enforced this, such as when a user adds an attachment with sensitive content later in compiling the email.
  • Notification that the functionality of OWA is not available in Outlook Desktop is now easier to understand: Microsoft does not offer the possibility to turn off the Zivver button in Outlook Desktop. This is why, when the user pushes the Outlook Web button in Outlook Desktop, they see a notification that this functionality is only available in Outlook Web. The text of this notification was not shown in good order. This has been fixed now.
  • It was unclear how to send emails to distribution lists: Emails sent to distribution lists got 'stuck', because Outlook Web did not show the underlying email addresses to an integration. In the case of a distribution list the notification is now shown that the user has to expand the list to then send the message.