Forward regular email securely through Zivver


How to forward a regular email in Outlook securely through Zivver?

Securely forward a non-Zivver conversation

  1. Click the email.
  2. Click Forward.
    A new message opens. Secure mail is currently still off.
  3. Enter the e-mail address of the recipient.
  4. Click the slider toggle_off in the gray Zivver toolbar.\
    The Zivver toolbar now turns blue to indicate that secure mail is on.
  5. Click the Recipients verification icon how_to_reg.\
    A new window opens.
  6. Make a choice in the drop-down menu.
    • SMS to new number or Access code.
      • In the field on the right, enter the mobile number or an access code.
    • Verification email if you do not know the mobile number and cannot agree on an access code in advance.
      For more information, refer to Recipient verification methods.
  7. Click OK.
    You can now send your email.