Help Center
TeamViewer Remote support
To help you as best as possible, Zivver can monitor your screen with you. Zivver uses the TeamViewer tool for this. The Zivver employee can also take control. In this way, we can solve the problem faster.
When you share your screen with TeamViewer, the Zivver employee sees everything on your screen. Thus, make sure no sensitive information or personal data is visible.
Request remote support
Would you like us to watch? Contact Zivver support.
Let Zivver watch with you
- Click here to download TeamViewer.
- Save and run this file.
The file does not start automatically? Then, click on it. - Give the file permission to start.
- Enter your name as soon as the new window opens, if it is not filled in automatically.
Zivver now receives your request. - Grant permission at the notification that Zivver Support wants to connect with you.
A Zivver employee can now see your screen.