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Migrations and Zivver products
What is Zivver?
Upgrade your Zivver subscription
View or update your subscription details
Cloud Sync - Frequently asked questions
Activate the Zivver Add-in in OWA
Add recipient verification details to send your email
Browser is not supported
Change Preferred Language in Zivver
Complete User Profile
Configure a verification method to send a Zivver message
Configure two-factor authentication (2FA)
Create a personal account
Create an account if you are part of an organization
Delete contact persons
Forward a Zivver-message in OWA
Log in to Outlook Web Access
Login reminder for shared mailbox
Make Zivver visible in Outlook
Message not displayed correctly – Your account is not activated in the plugin
Opening a Zivver message in Outlook Web Access
Pin the Zivver Add-in Task Pane
Recover account without 2FA
Remove blocking content to send your email
Replying to a Zivver message in OWA
Reset your two-factor authentication (2FA)
Revoke a Zivver message in Outlook Web Access
Send a Zivver message in Outlook Web Access
Set a personal access code for a contact in your address book
Set Zivver password for admin account with SSO
Share your input or feedback
Switching to a colleague's mailbox in the WebApp
TeamViewer Remote support
Use Zivver in a shared mailbox
Using Labels
Why do I receive Zivver messages?
Zivver quickstart guide