How to claim a domain in Zivver


How to claim your email domain in Zivver? If you claim your domain in Zivver, you get control over all the accounts under your claimed domain on the Zivver platform. To make sure that you own that domain, Zivver sends a verification email to an admin account in your domain.

Zivver accounts in the domain which have been created before your organization claimed the domain may need to be adopted separately.

Claiming your domain(s) is required for these features:

  • How to prevent that your users create rogue accounts under your domain
  • Create email aliases for users
  • Single Sign-On
  • Automated account provisioning via the Zivver Synctool.
Claim domains that send and receive emails
Zivver recommends to claim all domains that can either send or receive emails. If normal emails can be sent from or received by addresses under your domain, then these addresses can also send or receive Zivver messages.


  • You have at least a Professional business license from Zivver
  • You have administrator rights in Zivver for your organization
  • You control the domain that you want to claim
    You do not control domains such as or
  • You can receive the verification email from Zivver on a typical administrator address. For example: In the WebApp, more administrative accounts are available. If you do not have such email address, refer to [I do not have access to one of the above five email addresses.] (#i-do-not-have-access-to-one-of-the-five-administrator-email-addresses)

Claim your domain

The Domains public tab is where you manage which domain names are claimed by your organization.
Go to Domains tab

  1. Go to the Domains tab.
    You may need to authenticate with your administrator credentials.
  2. Click the ADD DOMAIN button in the top right corner.
    A new window opens.
  3. Enter the domain name in the first field.
    Do not use @ in the domain name.
  4. In the second field, select one of the default domain management email addresses.
    You can only choose a default administrator email addresses.
    I do not have access to one of the above five email addresses
  5. Click ADD DOMAIN.
    The domain is now in the list and has the status verifying.
  6. Open the email sent to email address you selected in the previous step.

  7. Copy the verification code from the email.
  8. Go back to the Domains tab.
  9. Click VERIFY
    A new window opens to insert the verification code.
  10. Paste the code from the verification email.
  11. Click VERIFY DOMAIN.
    The status is changed to claimed.

You have successfully claimed your domain in Zivver. If you have more domains on which you can receive or send email, then repeat the steps in this chapter.

Adopting accounts

After you have claimed your domain in Zivver you can start adopting accounts from users that have created a Zivver account under your claimed domain before you had claimed the domain. Read everything you need to know about adopting accounts in the Adopting accounts manual.

I do not have access to one of the five administrator email addresses

Either choose one of the options below or contact your mail server administrator.

  1. Set up one of the five email addresses as an alias for your own email address so you will receive the verification code in your own inbox.
  2. Contact a colleague who does have access to the email address you selected when claiming the domain and request them to share the verification code.

If the above two options are not available to you, contact your mail server administrator.

Test with normal email before you send the Zivver verification email
If you have set up a new alias to receive the verification email, do a test if you can receive emails on your new alias from outside your organization. If you cannot receive email from outside your organization, Zivver also cannot send you a verification email.

Troubleshoot reasons for not receiving the verification email

There are two reasons for not receiving the Zivver verification email.

  1. The Zivver verification email is marked as SPAM by your mail server
  2. The Zivver verification email cannot be delivered to your inbox

The Zivver verification email is marked as SPAM by your mail server

The Zivver verification email may be marked as SPAM by your mail server’s SPAM filter. Examine the SPAM filter logs to find a message sent from to your chosen alias (for example, postmaster@yourdomain) with the subject: “Verify your domain [your domain] in Zivver”.

Mark the verification email from Zivver as “not SPAM” and allow it to be forwarded to your inbox and proceed with the steps from chapter Claim your domain. If you cannot find the verification email in your SPAM filter or folder, go to the Zivver verification email cannot be delivered to you inbox.

The Zivver verification email cannot be delivered to your inbox

If you did not receive the Zivver verification email and the verification mail is not marked as SPAM, the Zivver verification email cannot be delivered to your inbox.

Do a test to know whether your chosen alias (for example, postmaster@yourdomain) can receive email from outside your organization.

If you set up a new alias to receive the verification email, do a test if you can receive emails on your new alias from outside your organizations mail server (for example, your personal email address).

If you cannot receive email from outside your organization, also Zivver cannot send you a verification email. It is important that you send and email to your chosen alias from outside your own mail environment. The reason is that Zivver also resides outside your own mail environment. Testing with a mailbox from inside your own mail environment could result in a false positive test.

If the above causes and solutions did not fix your problem, contact support and mention you cannot receive the verification email for claiming a domain and provide the following information:

  • The chosen email alias to receive the verification email (for example, postmaster@yourdomain).
  • The date and timestamp of sending the verification email from the Zivver administrator portal when claiming the domain.