Update the Zivver Synctool


This document explains how to update the Zivver Synctool. The Synctool currently has no built-in update mechanism. You will be notified of new Synctool versions and release notes when you are subscribed to the Zivver administrator newsletter.


Visit the Synctool prerequisites for the prerequisites of the latest Synctool version.

Check the Synctool version

To check your current version of the Synctool and verify you have updated to a newer version, you need to check the Synctool version.

  1. Open the Synctool folder in which the Synctool executable is stored.
    Where can I find the Synctool folder?
    You can use the Windows scheduled task to find the Synctool folder under the Actions tab.
  2. Right-click the Synctool executable (.exe) file.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Go to the Details tab.
    You can find the version after File version.

How to update from Synctool V1 to V2

Please watch the video directly on YouTube if the video isn’t loading on this page.

Video Timestamps


Find all relevant documentation in the Synctool V2 manual.

Download the latest version

Download Synctool V2.1.5.

Test before you replace
You can leave the Synctool folder in the downloads folder at this stage. First verify if the new Synctool version works as expected before replacing the old Synctool version with the new Synctool version.

How to update from Zivver Synctool V2 to a newer version of V2

Please watch the video directly on YouTube if the video isn’t loading on this page.

Video Timestamps

Back up the old Synctool version

  1. Create a backup folder in Windows File Explorer and name it Zivver Synctool backup.
    Easy to find
    Create the backup folder in your existing Zivver Synctool folder for easy reference in the future.
  2. Copy and paste all files in the existing Zivver Synctool folder (e.g. .exe; .exe.config; .dll; dll.config) to your backup folder.\
  3. Create a subfolder in the folder Zivver Synctool backup called Profile backup .
  4. Copy and paste all Synctool profiles (i.e. .xml files) from the directory that stores the Synctool profiles to the Profile backup folder.
    Where can I find the Synctool profiles?
    The Synctool profiles are stored at %appdata%/zivver/synctool for the account that is used by the Windows Task Scheduler to run the daily synchronization.
    For example C:\Users\svc.zivver\AppData\Roaming\Zivver\Synctool.

    You have now backed up the Zivver Synctool and its profiles.

Verify the new Synctool works as expected

  1. Go to your downloads folder and open the unzipped Synctool folder. Ensure you keep all files that were present in the ZIP in that folder (i.e. .exe; .exe.config).
  2. Run the Zivver.Synctool.App.exe.
    If no profiles are shown, browse to the service account AppData
    You may find Synctool profiles in the AppData of a service account that is used to run the Synctool on a daily basis via the Windows Task Scheduler. Go to C:\Users\"service-account-name"\AppData\Roaming\Zivver\Synctool to check if there are Synctool profiles stored.
  3. Go through the tabs Profile, Target, Sources, and Syncing to verify everything works as expected.
  4. Go to the tab Manual Synchronization and run a manual synchronization. You have now verified the new Synctool works as expected.

You can inspect the log files to see if the synchronization was successful at %appdata%/zivver/synctool/logs. Please contact support if you run into any errors that you can not resolve.

Replace the old Synctool with the new Synctool

When the new Synctool works as expected you can replace the old Synctool version with the new Synctool version from your Downloads folder. This section assumes the old Synctool version is already backed up.

  1. Go to your downloads folder and open the unzipped Synctool folder.
  2. Copy all files in the folder (e.g. .exe; config files).
  3. Go to your existing Zivver Synctool folder and delete the old files.
  4. Paste the new Synctool in the existing Synctool folder.
  5. Verify the Synctool version is updated.
    You have successfully updated the Zivver Synctool.