01. Synctool


A system administrator can manage Zivver accounts manually in the WebApp. This suffices for small organizations or if a small group of people within a large organization are going to use Zivver. Administration of large amounts of accounts requires the Synctool. The Synctool is made by Zivver, is a standalone executable and is based on the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) standard. The Synctool needs little resources and therefore does not need its own server to run. Often the Synctool is placed on an existing server which also hosts other synchronization tools.

The Synctool allows organizations to automate account management. During the implementation phase you can use the Synctool to create personal and functional accounts quickly and easy. In the management phase you can use the Synctool to automatically manage accounts. For example creating accounts for new employees, updating, blocking or deleting accounts when an employee leaves service.




Scheduling automatic synchronizations

Run a manual synchronization
