11. Start a manual synchronization


The Synctool should be run automatically and daily, to minimize administrative burden and ensure that all Zivver accounts are up to date. However, in some cases you want to change something now. This requires a manual synchronization.

As an administrator you can manually start a Synctool synchronization at Manual Synchronization. This manual synchronization happens in 4 steps:

  1. The data is loaded and parsed from the sources.
    Each underlying step is shown in the Synctool.
  2. A summary shows the number and type of synchronization actions.
    For example: “There will be 5 users added to your Zivver organization.”
  3. The changes are applied in Zivver.
  4. You can review the changes and errors that have occurred during the synchronization.

Load and parse data from Sources

Click Start to get the latest data from your configured Sources.
This can take several minutes, depending on the source types and sizes. You should see progress in the progress bar at the bottom of the Synctool user interface.

Potential errors
If any error occurs during loading or parsing of the data, then please visit Recent events under Logging in the Synctool to troubleshoot.

Verify changes

This step is optional.

If you want to verify the changes before running the synchronization, then click on Open details at the changes you wish to verify. You will be redirected to the Preview changes tab.

Change synchronization options

This step is optional.

Click Change sync options to change the Synchronization Options. Synchronization options determine what the Synctool actually does with the differences it finds between the Source(s) and the Target (Zivver).

For example: Create a new Zivver account for a newly created Active Directory account from your LDAP source.

Confirm special synchronization options

Five Synchronization Options require manual confirmation from you as an administrator before they can be performed, because they can have a signification impact on your organization.

Confirm actions
If one or more if these synchronization options are enabled for the next manual synchronization then you must confirm your actions before you can run the synchronization.

The synchronization options that require manual confirmation are:

  1. Suspending more than 5 percent of your total amount of users.
  2. Suspending more than 5 percent of your total amount of functional accounts.
  3. Deleting users in Zivver.
  4. Deleting functional accounts in Zivver.
  5. Updating the password or SsoAccountKey for all users.

Suspending more than 5 percent of your total amount of users.
Suspending a large part of your organization is unusual and often unintended, therefore requires a confirmation from you as admin.

Suspending more than 5 percent of your total amount of functional accounts.
Suspending a large part of your organization is unusual and often unintended, therefore requires a confirmation from you as admin.

Deleting users in Zivver.
This process is irreversible and if unintended could cause data loss of Zivver messages for affected users.

Deleting functional accounts in Zivver.
This process is irreversible and if unintended could cause data loss of Zivver messages for affected functional accounts.

Updating the password or SsoAccountKey for all users.
This could cause problems with logging in to Zivver via Single Sign-On.

Start a manual synchronization

Reload data after changes
If you have changed the Synctool configuration between clicking Start and Update Now you should click Reload all data to verify if anything important has changed.

After you have verified all changes and confirmed synchronization actions when prompted, you can click Update Now to start the manual synchronization.

Progress will be shown in the progress bar at the bottom of the Synctool. Task completed successfully indicates that the synchronization is done.

Review changes and synchronization errors

At Review changes a summary of both successful and failed changes are shown. Click Open details to get more information per change, you will be redirected to the tab Review updates.

Read more about how to interpret errors at Review Updates in the Syncing manual.

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