Synctool release notes


  • Improved compatibility with the ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell module V3.5.0. Note: this is only effective if both the .exe and .config file are replaced during the update to Synctool V2.1.4
  • Resolved issue where the email report indicates a successful synchronization triggered by the Windows Task Scheduler, even though not all required fields are configured in the profile
  • Resolved issue in the Exchange Online synchronization, where enabling an account in EntraID would not reflect in the synchronization
  • Resolved an issue in the LDAP synchronization, where the msExchDelegateListLink field was capitalized incorrectly in de default setup


  • Resolved issue where the email report was not sent out in case a synchronization did not take place due to too many changes
  • Replaced the Zivver logo
  • Updated the help screen
  • Added support to connect with TLS 1.3
  • Added functionality to save the configuration profile as a template


  • Added support to get members of shared mailboxes that are nested in the mailbox permissions of other shared mailboxes
  • Resolved issue with adding group members with the same display name
  • Resolved error that occurred if a user in the target (Zivver) had no full name
  • Added support for proxy addresses from custom attribute in LDAP sources when the ‘SMTP:’ and ‘smtp:’ prefix are present
  • Resolved an issue where the ‘Temp’ folder was not removed after an Exchange connection with EXO commandlets


  • Removed the Beta labels for the features added in version 2.1.0
  • Added support to get members of nested security groups
  • Replaced the image displayed in empty data previews
  • Resolved issue where application log was not created if no existing logfile was present in the %appdata% folder


Beta release

  • Added direct support for user mailbox synchronization from Exchange so that the separate Powershell script for this is not needed anymore (in Beta)
  • Added the possibility to filter on (a part of) an email address or attribute in the Exchange source
  • Improved performance by disabling likely unnecessary Powershell commands to retrieve mailbox permissions by default in the Exchange synchronization
  • Added the option to disable or enable the user or group synchronization from Exchange, so that multiple sources and source filters can be used within one profile
  • Improved support for synchronization of indirect delegation and circular nested groups
  • Added a notification that indicates how many changes will not be made due to the synchronization settings in the manual synchronization tab
  • Resolved an issue in which the Update Now button in the manual synchronization tab stayed grayed out when a large part of the users had to be suspended
  • Replaced the link in the email report that pointed to the error documentation with a more helpful link to the troubleshoot documentation
  • Improved support for semicolons in the ZivverAccountKey value
  • Several small copy and UX improvements


  • Added support for the Get-EXOMailbox command from the ExchangeOnlineManagement V3 PowerShell module, to resolve an issue in large Exchange Online synchronizations
  • Added the possibility to synchronize members of a shared mailbox through multiple rows in a CSV file


  • Removed harmless error message that occurred upon closing the Synctool if no application log file was available
  • Resolved a Powershell error that appeared for some customers for the LDAP Source Data Preview
  • Added support for case in-sensitive mapping for the SamAccountName


  • Improved user interface to make the tool more intuitive and easier to navigate
  • Improved visibility of what is going to change before a synchronization and why the change happens for each user
  • Introduced “SAVE” button to save changes made to the Synctool configuration
  • Added the ability to combine multiple sources (LDAP, Exchange, CSV, Excel) into one Synctool configuration profile
  • Added the possibility to add a Synctool configuration profile from any directory on the server
  • Improved possibility for changing the primary email address in Zivver
  • Added event logs that can be stored in a file location of choice
  • Removed account delete options for automated synchronizations
  • Removed 5% threshold for deleting accounts for manual synchronizations
  • Added support for suspending functional accounts by removing all members
  • Improved ability to track progress during manual synchronizations
  • Fixed a bug where organizational unit identifier was not saved for Exchange synchronization profiles
  • Fixed bug where email notifications were not sent when the Synctool ran in silent mode
  • Added feature “Only delete accounts that are missing in source” to support suspend and delete policies of customers where accounts are suspended in the source for a period before the account is deleted
  • Added the possibility to automatically merge accounts that already existed as a guest
  • Encrypted parameters in the Synctool configuration profile
  • Added support for nested groups for universal mail enabled security groups
  • Resolved an issue that occurred when ExchangeOnlineManagement v3.0.0 was installed
  • Improved log files and email reports, including reference to troubleshooting documentation
  • Added the possibility to load a Synctool configuration profile from anywhere on your drive. You can now load a Synctool configuration profile from the %appdata%/zivver/synctool folder with your own administrator account.


  • Normal accounts do not require an update to the ZivverAccountKey anymore after changing the primary email address
  • Support connection with Exchange Online via PowerShell with MFA authentication
  • Support connection with Exchange Online via PowerShell with unattended access
  • Improve Synctool rate limiting
  • Support for organizational unit assignment in Zivver for normal and functional accounts


  • Show normal accounts under “missing users” tab that are suspended in Zivver and missing in source data
  • Added domain filters to filter out not wanted or unclaimable domains for email aliases
  • Fixed several bugs


  • Support for secure LDAP (LDAPS) via port 636
  • Log synchronization results in JSON format
  • Support for authentication via proxy server
  • Improve performance on Exchange synchronization
  • Support adding email aliases for functional accounts
  • Fixed several bugs


  • Support adding delegations (i.e. full access) to normal accounts
  • Support adding email aliases for normal accounts
  • Synctool can’t be silently run when source data is unavailable
  • Prevent more than 5% of normal accounts can be deleted


  • Telephone numbers can be updated
  • Exchange synchronization added for functional accounts
  • Support for multiple types of Exchange shared mailboxes to synchronize
  • Logging for PowerShell errors with Exchange synchronization
  • Support for shared mailbox full access rights via active directory security groups
  • Email filters for Exchange synchronization
  • Also show shared mailboxes with 0 members
  • Run automated synchronizations under different user
  • Click on result columns to sort
  • Option to skip loading source results at step 4 to speed up the process for manual synchronizations
  • Support nested group support for LDAPS synchronization
  • New tab “Missing users” at step 4
  • Fixed several bugs