Secure Direct Replies


When your organization uses Inbound Direct Delivery, all Zivver messages sent to your domain will be received as unencrypted messages in the mailboxes of your users. To allow them to securely reply to those messages without a Zivver client, or the need to visit the Zivver webapp, we introduced the Secure Direct Replies feature.

With Secure Direct Replies, your users can reply to Inbound Direct Delivery messages similar as to any regular email they receive. On the background the reply is routed back to Zivver, where the message is secured and sent to the original sender (and optional other recipients).


In order to use Secure Direct Replies, a few steps need to be taken.

  1. Setup a mailflow rule to route messages to Zivver.
  2. Activate Secure Direct Replies for your organization.

Setup a mailflow rule

In order to route the Secure Direct Replies to Zivver, your mailserver needs to know which messages should be routed and which should not. To do this, a mailflow rule is added to your mailserver. The pages below describe how to setup the mailflow rule for the different mailservers:

  1. Setup a mailflow rule in Microsoft Exchange Online.
  2. Setup a mailflow ruel in Microsoft Exchange on premise.
  3. Setup a mailflow rule in Google Workspace.
  4. Setup a mailflow rule in other mailservers.

Activate Secure Direct Replies

After the mailflow rule has been set up, you can contact you Customer Succes Manager and request them to activate Secure Direct Replies for your organization.
Alternatively, you can send an email to and request to activate Secure Direct Replies for your organization.