Create SDR rule in Google Workspace


The steps below will describe how to setup a content compliance rule in Google Workspace for Secure Direct Replies.


  1. Login at the Google Admin portal with your admin account.
  2. Click on apps Apps.
  3. click on Google Workspace.
  4. Click on Gmail.
  5. Scroll down to Compliance.
  6. Click the Compliance card.
  7. Scroll down to Content compliance.
  9. Give the rule the name Zivver: Secure Direct Replies 2.0.
  10. Under 1. Email messages to affect select the option Outbound.
  11. Under 2. Add expressions that describe the content that you want to search for in each message, make sure the dropdown menu is set to If ANY of the following match the message.
  12. In the Expressions block, click Add.
  13. Open the dropdown menu Simple content match.
  14. Change the option to Advanced content match.
  15. Change the location to Full headers.
  16. Leave the Match type on Contains text.
  17. Under Content enter zivver-sdr<your-Zivver-UUID>.
    Don’t know your Zivver UUID?
    You can contact your Customer Success Manager or to request your Zivver UUID.
  18. Click SAVE.
  19. Under 3. If the above expressions match, do the following, select Add custom headers.
  20. In the Custom headers block, click Add.
  21. For the Header key enter zivver-relay.
  22. For the Header value enter
    • sdr → when using the Zivver Encryption Gateway.
    • smart-sdr → when using the Zivver DLP Gateway.
  23. Click SAVE.
  24. Under Route select the option Change the route.
  25. Click on the Normal route dropdown menu.
  26. Select the Zivver connector.
    Don’t have a connector for Zivver yet?
    Please read this manual for instructions on how to create a connector in Exchange Online.
  27. Click SAVE.