Upgrade to Zivver OWA add-in v5


An Azure/Exchange admin account with Global Admin role with a regular Zivver account is enough. The Azure/Exchange admin account with Global Admin role needs to have an Outlook Web Access (OWA) mailbox + a Zivver account to be able to open the Zivver add-in and login into it.


Upgrading to version 5 of the Zivver Outlook Web Access Add-in is straightforward but not automatic. This document describes the steps necessary for the upgrade:

Locate the current installation of the Zivver OWA Add-in

Over the past years Microsoft has moved around the location of the add-in in the admin panel. The location where the Zivver OWA Add-in is installed determines the next steps to update to v5 of the Zivver OWA Add-in. Do a check on these locations to know in which of these locations the add-in is installed:

Change user assignment.

If you plan to test the new version with a group of users, make sure to change the user assignment upfront. Select the old Zivver Add-in version and edit the user assignment. If the add-in is assigned to ‘Everyone’, change this to the specific group of users who will still work with the old version during the test period. No users should be assigned to both the old version and v5.

Install Zivver OWA Add-in v5

Do the steps in the Zivver OWA Add-in installation manual to install v5 of the Zivver OWA Add-in. Please use https://owa.zivver.com/v5/manifest.xml instead of the one with v4 mentioned in the installation manual. It can take up tot 24 hours before the assigned users see the Add-in as available. See Microsoft’s documentation for more information.

Only assign it to yourself, the person with the admin rights. An Azure/Exchange admin account with Global Admin role with a regular Zivver account is enough. The Azure/Exchange admin account with Global Admin role needs to have an OWA mailbox + a Zivver account to be able to open the Zivver add-in and login into it.
Make sure to give the consent for the whole organization by checking the box Consent on behalf of your organization
  1. OWA V5 requires admin consent for your organization in order to work seamlessly with the Graph API. Once you have added the add-in to your admin account, go to your outlook web app and launch the add-in either from drafts or inbox items.
  2. Upon launching the add-in (after successful login to Zivver if not logged in already), you will be prompted with a dialog window showing the required permissions by OWA V5.
  3. DO NOT FORGET to check the checkbox saying Consent on behalf of your organization before clicking the Accept button.
    If you forget to check the checkbox to Consent on behalf of your organization, you will not get another chance. Another admin has to start over by launching the add-in from his/her mailbox to do the required.
    By consenting on behalf of your organization, all the other non-admin users do not have to worry about the permissions and continue their work as they did with the previous OWA version.
  4. Once the admin consent is done, you can continue and migrate the users to v5. Do further instructions.
If you were using OWA V4, the users will not see much of a difference in their day-to-day use other than seeing the add-in version as v 5.0.0 at the footer of the task-pane. If you were using OWA V3, the add-in will have a new look matching our new branding.

Migrate users from the previous Zivver OWA Add-in version to OWA Add-in v5

If the tests succeed, you can start migrating users from the old version to v5. To do so, do these instructions:

  1. Remove the to be migrated user(s) assignment from the old Zivver OWA Add-in version.
  2. Assign the user(s) to the Zivver OWA Add-in v5.
Make sure that at no point a user is assigned to both versions. It can take up to 24 hours before users are assigned Zivver Outlook Web Access Add-in v5. In the meantime, the old version will remain available.

Remove old Zivver OWA Add-in version

When all users have been assigned to v5 and 24 hours have passed, the old version of the add-in can safely be removed.

Previous or latest location

To remove Zivver OWA Add-in if it was installed at the previous or latest location:

  1. Click Zivver.
  2. Make sure the selected add-in is the old version
  3. Click Remove add-in.
  4. Click Remove.
  5. Refresh the page.
  6. Check that the Zivver OWA Add-in was indeed removed from the list.

Legacy location

To remove Zivver OWA Add-in if it was installed at the legacy location:

  1. Double-click Zivver.
  2. Make sure the selected add-in is the old version.
  3. Click Cancel.
  4. Click the trashcan icon.
  5. Click Yes.

Roll back the OwaMailboxPolicy

If Zivver OWA Add-in v3 was still installed, chances are high you have also created an OwaMailboxPolicy and assigned that policy to the users. This policy is no longer needed and can be reverted to the default policy. See Unset OwaMailboxPolicy document for instructions on how to roll back the OwaMailboxPolicy.