OWA Add-In shared mailbox best practices

Zivver’s Outlook Web App (OWA) add-in seamlessly integrates with shared mailboxes as well! This article will provide you with best practices for utilizing the add-in, avoiding potential obstacles, and troubleshooting any encountered issues.

Best Practice: Fully supported method

Opening a shared mailbox in a separate browser window is recommended as best practice. By doing so, you can take full advantage of Zivver’s extensive feature set without encountering compatibility issues.

  1. Sign in to your account in OWA
  2. On the OWA navigation bar, click your name in the top right corner
    A menu appears
  3. Click Open another mailbox
  4. Type the email address of the shared mailbox that you want to open, and then click Open. Another OWA session opens in a separate window, allowing access to the other mailbox
If you mistype the email address of the mailbox, the result is “No match was found”. Try typing the email address again.

Best Practice: Login with Primary Account First

Before accessing your shared mailbox, ensure that you have logged in using your primary account. Automatic login occurs when composing a new message from your personal inbox, serving as a prerequisite for smooth operation within the shared mailbox environment. Return to your primary mailbox, create a new message, and the login process should automatically complete. Go to the shared mailbox, refresh the page and try again.

Alternative: Working with a shared Mailbox as a Folder

Integrating the shared mailbox as a folder within your primary account may lead to a common Microsoft issue. Specifically, the “From” address in emails may default to your primary mailbox. This can introduce complications, such as:

  • Errors during email sending
  • Difficulty opening secure messages from your Sent Items folder


Use the fully supported method described above, or…

Change the From: address to the shared mailbox address, follow the steps below

  1. Select the Inbox of the shared mailbox folder
  2. Click New Email
  3. In the top ribbon, go to Options
  4. From the options, enable Show From
  5. In the draft message, click the dropdown on the right side of your email address and select Other email address…
  6. Type the email address of the shared mailbox and hit Enter on your keyboard

Troubleshooting “Login to Delegate Account Failed” Error

Encountering an error message stating “Login to delegate account failed” typically indicates one of two scenarios:

Log in using your Primary Account

Return to your primary mailbox, create a new message, and the login process should automatically complete. Go to the shared mailbox, refresh the page and try again.

Check Delegated Permissions

If the issue persists, it’s possible that your primary account lacks the required delegated permissions in Zivver.

As an admin, verify the delegated permissions to a shared mailbox in Zivver on the Accounts page under the Grant access section.

As a user, go to https://app.zivver.com, log in and click the Profile icon on the top right of your screen, then verify if the shared mailbox is listed in the dropdown.