Outlook on the Web v6 Graph API permissions


Zivver for Outlook on the Web add-in interacts with user and shared mailboxes to secure emails when content matters. The Zivver Outlook on the Web add-in uses the following Microsoft Graph API permissions.

Microsoft Graph API permissions

Permission Permission Type Functionality Required or Optional
Files.ReadWrite Delegated To allow attachments in secure emails Required
Files.ReadWrite.All Delegated To allow attachments in secure emails Required
Group.Read.All Delegated To identify email addresses of Distribution Groups if secure emailing to DGs is allowed Optional
Mail.ReadWrite Delegated To scan emails from user mailboxes for sensitive information and add headers to secure emails Required
Mail.ReadWrite.Shared Delegated To scan emails from shared mailboxes for sensitive information and add headers to secure emails Required
MailboxSettings.ReadWrite Delegated To read all settings of the user’s mailbox as well as to update them if required Required
User.ReadWrite Delegated To access the user profile in general for display name, preferred languages and more Required
openid Delegated Always required by Office add-ins (1) Required
profile Delegated Always required by Office add-ins (1) Required
offline_access Delegated To access MSAL.NET for authentication (1) Required

(1) Associate Office Add-ins with a Microsoft Entra application