Office Plugin Installation Manual for Microsoft SCCM


How to install the Zivver Office Plugin with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM).

Minimal technical requirements

System requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 7 Extended Security Updates or higher.
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 or higher.
  • Microsoft Outlook 2016 or higher.
  • Memory utilization: +/- 150 MB in total per Outlook session.

Product specific requirements

  • HTTPS connection, port 443, TLS v1.2 or higher with https://*
  • Outlook in Cached Mode(1).
  • A Microsoft supported scenario when using different versions of Office, Project, and Visio on the same computer.

(1) Zivver follows the recommended practice of Microsoft and Citrix for optimal performance with Outlook in Cached Mode. Performance issues related to Online Mode will be investigated on a best-effort basis.

SCCM specific requirements

  • Access to SCCM, with the following permissions:
    • Application Administrator Security Role, to create, modify, and deploy applications.
    • Compliance Settings Manager Security Role, to create, modify, and deploy configuration items.
    • Access to the Full Administrator or Operations Administrator Security Roles can also work, but contain unnecessary privileges.

Latest MSI installer download link


This chapter explains how to install and deploy the Zivver Office Plugin via SCCM.

Configure the Recommended additional settings described in this manual. With these recommended settings you ensure users will always be able to send secure emails.

Share the plugin

The plugin must be available on the network for it to be deployed via SCCM. Do these steps to create a distribution point on the server.

  1. Log in on a domain server as administrator.
  2. Create a new shared network folder or select an existing one.
  3. Put the Office plugin installer package in this folder.
    Download the latest version
  4. Make sure the package can be accessed.
    Change the permissions on the shared folder if necessary. The plugin should now be available for installation from the shared network folder.

Create an application

The plugin can be configured in SCCM as a package or an application. In this manual, you will deploy the plugin as an application. The benefit of deploying the plugin as an application is that this allows for easier updates with the Supersedence feature.

Do these steps to create a new Application for the plugin in SCCM.

  1. Go to Software Library.
  2. Expand the Application Management folder.
  3. Select Applications.
  4. Right-click and select Folder > Create Folder to create a new folder for the plugin, based on how the tree is structured for your organization.
  5. Give the new folder a name.
    For example Zivver Office Plugin.
  6. Click OK to confirm.
  7. Right-click the folder you just created and select Create Application.
  8. Choose the option to Automatically detect information about this application from installation files.
  9. In the General tab of the Create Application Wizard, click Browse….
  10. Select the MSI package of the plugin in the network share, that was configured at Share the plugin, and click Open.
  11. As the Installation File Type, select Windows Installer (.MSI file) if this is not automatically specified already.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Click Next again.
  14. In the General Information tab, enter additional information about the application:
    • Change the Name if you prefer.
    • Enter any optional Administrator comments.
    • Change Publisher to Zivver B.V..
    • Add Administrative Categories if you prefer, depending on internal organizational standards.
      This might help to filter and categorize the application.
    • The default command next to Installation Program should be fine, but consider the following:
      • Add the parameter /q for a silent install if it is not specified already.
      • Add REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS so that the systems will not be rebooted.
      • Add /L*V %FileLocation%if you want to create a verbose log of the installation process.
      • Add ALLUSERS=1 USEIMPERSONATE=0 to install the plug-in for all the users.
    • Select one of three options for the Install Behavior. The options are as follows:
      • Install for user - The client only installs the application for the user to whom you deploy the application.
      • Install for system - The client installs the application only once. It’s available to all users.
      • Install for system if resource is device; otherwise, install for user - If you deploy the application to a device, the client installs it for all users. If you deploy the application to a user, the client only installs it for that user.
  15. Click Next.
  16. Verify the information in the Summary pane and click Next again.
    Wait a moment until the application is created.
  17. Click Close to exit the application wizard.
    The new application will now be listed in the Zivver Office Plugin application folder.

Configure the application properties

Configuring additional properties is optional. Do these steps to configure additional properties of the application that you created in the previous section.

  1. Go to Software Library.
  2. Right-click the Zivver Office Plugin application.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. Optional: In the General Information tab, activate the option Allow this application to be installed from the Install Application task sequence action without being deployed.
    This allows the application to be deployed via Task Sequence, for example during imaging.
  5. Optional: In the Application Catalog tab, configure additional properties for the plugin based on your preference.
    For example, if you make the plugin available in Software Center, users will be able to find the plugin based on this information.
  6. Click OK to close the Properties window.

Configure the deployment type

Do these steps to configure the Deployment Type for the application in SCCM.

  1. Select the Zivver Office Plugin under Applications.
  2. Select the Deployment Types tab at the bottom.
  3. Right-click the Deployment Type for the plugin.
  4. Select Properties.
  5. Optional: In the General tab, change the name of the deployment.
    For example Zivver Office Plugin, along with the version number and the package type MSI.
  6. Go to the User Experience tab.
  7. Set Installation behavior to Install for System.
  8. Set Logon Requirement to Whether or not a user is logged on.
  9. Set Installation program visibility to Hidden.
  10. Set Maximum allowed run time to 15.
  11. Set Estimated installation time to 2.
  12. Set the option Should Configuration Manager enforce specific behavior… to Determine behavior based on return codes.
  13. Go to the Dependencies tab.
  14. Click Add….
  15. In the Add Dependency window, enter a name for the Dependency Group.
    For example Zivver Office Plugin.
  16. Click Add….
  17. In the Specify Required Application window, select your installation of Outlook and the related deployment type.
  18. Click OK to confirm your selection.
  19. Click Add… again to add another Required Application.
  20. Select the installation of .NET Framework v4.5+ and its deployment type.
  21. Click OK to confirm and close the Specify Required Application window.
  22. Choose if you want to Auto Install the dependencies:
    • Auto Install on: If the dependencies are not installed yet, they will be installed automatically before the plugin is installed.
    • Auto Install off: The plugin will not be installed if the dependencies are not found on the deployment target, since the requirements are not met.
  23. Click OK to confirm and close the Add Dependency window.
  24. Click OK to close the Properties window.
    The deployment type is now configured for the plugin.
You do not need separate deployment types for different bit-versions. The correct version of the plugin is automatically installed based on the bit-version of Outlook.

Deploy the plugin

Do these steps to deploy the plugin by configuring a new Deployment.

  1. Right-click the Application for the plugin.
  2. Choose Deploy to start the Deploy Software Wizard.
  3. In the General tab, click Browse… next to Collection.
  4. Select the groups of Users or Devices you want to deploy the plugin to.
    For example All Users.
  5. Click OK to confirm.
  6. If you configured a default Distribution Group for the Collection, then activate the option Use default distribution point groups associated to this collection to distribute the plugin installer.
  7. Click Next.
  8. If you selected the option Use default distribution point groups associated to this collection, then this information is already configured. Proceed to step 13.
  9. On the Content tab, click Add.
  10. Click Distribution Point or Distribution Point Group to distribute the package.
  11. Select All Distribution Points.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Click Next to go to Deployment Settings.
  14. Set Action to Install.
  15. For Purpose, choose one of the following options:
    • Available: Users can install the plugin manually in Software Center.
    • Required: The plugin will be installed automatically for users (Recommended).
  16. If you set the Purpose to Available, consider to activate the option An Administrator must approve a request for installation on the device if your users need explicit permission to install the plugin.
  17. Click Next.
  18. On the Scheduling tab:
    • If you want to deploy the plugin as soon as possible, leave the default settings.
    • If you want to make the plugin available at a later date, then activate the option Schedule the application to be available at and enter a date and time.
  19. Click Next.
  20. On the User Experience tab, select an option for User Notifications, as per your preference. The options below are recommended, so users are not bothered with notifications:
    • If you chose Available as the Install Purpose: Select Display in Software Center, and only show notifications for computer restarts.
    • If you chose Required as the Install Purpose: Select Hide in Software Center and all notifications.
  21. Optional: If you chose Required installation, you may want to select Software Installation to install the plugin outside of maintenance windows after the deployment deadline. This will ensure that the plugin is installed everywhere as soon as possible.
  22. Click Next.
  23. Optional: Set a threshold to generate alerts if you prefer.
    For example when deployment fails at a certain percentage.
  24. Click Next.
  25. Review the information in the Summary tab.
  26. Click Next.
    Wait a moment until the Deploy Software Wizard is finished.
  27. Click Close to exit the wizard.
    The plugin will now be deployed.

This chapter describes the process to deploy recommended additional settings related to the plugin. You will use a Configuration Item in SCCM to deploy the additional settings in the registry.

Please find explanation about the recommended additional settings in the main Office plugin installation manual

Create a configuration item

Do these steps to create a new Configuration Item (CI) to configure the registry settings in.

  1. Go to Assets and Compliance in SCCM.
  2. Click Compliance settings.
  3. Right-click Configuration Items.
  4. Select Create Configuration Item (CI) to start the CI creation wizard.
  5. Enter a name for the new CI.
    For example Recommended Zivver Office plugin settings.
  6. Under Settings for devices managed with the Configuration Manager client:
    • If you only manage Windows 10 devices, select Windows 10.
    • If you manage systems with different versions of Windows, select Windows Desktops and Servers (Custom).
  7. Do not check any of the options under Settings for devices managed without the Configuration Manager client.
    This applies to mobile devices.
  8. Click Categories… to assign a category if you prefer.
    This will improve searching and filtering within SCCM.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Do not change the default settings on the Supported Platforms pane.
  11. Click Next to go to the Settings pane.
    The actual settings will be configured in the following sections.


  1. On the Settings pane, click New… to open the Create Setting window.
  2. Under Specify details about this setting… enter the following information:
    • Name: AddinList
    • Description: This setting blocks users from disabling the plugin in Outlook.
    • Setting Type: Registry Value
    • Data Type: String, for a REG_SZ value.
  3. Under Specify the registry value… enter the following information:
    • Hive Name: HKCU (user level).
    • Key name: SOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftofficex.0outlookresiliencyaddinlist. Change x.0 for your version of Outlook: 16.0 for Outlook 2016, 2019, and Outlook for Office 365.
    • Value Name: AddinList
    • If you use a 64-bit version of Outlook, check the option This registry value is associated with a 64-bit application.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Go to the Compliance Rules tab.
  6. Click New… to create a new Compliance Rule.
  7. Give the rule a name.
    For example AddinList Value Rule.
  8. Verify the rule applies to the correct registry setting, as indicated by Selected Setting.
  9. As Rule Type, select Value.
  10. Under The setting must comply with the following rule, select Equals in the drop-down list next to the name of this setting.
  11. Next to The following values enter: ZivverOfficePlugin.AddinModule
  12. Activate the setting Remediate non compliant rules when supported, to change existing settings that don’t match this rule.
  13. Click OK to create the rule.
  14. Click OK again to close the Create Setting window.
    You have now configured the AddinList setting.


  1. On the Settings pane, click New… to open the Create Setting window.
  2. Under Specify details about this setting… enter the following information:
    • Name: DoNotDisableAddinList
    • Description: This setting blocks Outlook from automatically disabling the plugin in case of a delay.
    • Setting Type: Registry Value
    • Data Type: Integer, for a DWORD value.
  3. Under Specify the registry value… enter the following information:
    • Hive Name: HKCU (user level).
    • Key name: SOFTWAREMicrosoftOfficex.0OutlookResiliencyDoNotDisableAddinList. Change x.0 for your version of Outlook: 16.0 for Outlook 2016, 2019, and Outlook for Office 365.
    • Value Name: DoNotDisableAddinList
    • If you use a 64-bit version of Outlook, check the option This registry value is associated with a 64-bit application.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Go to the Compliance Rules tab.
  6. Click New… to create a new Compliance Rule.
  7. Give the rule a name.
    For example DoNotDisableAddinList Value Rule.
  8. Verify the rule applies to the correct registry setting, as indicated by Selected Setting.
  9. As Rule Type, select Value.
  10. Under The setting must comply with the following rule, select Equals in the drop-down list next to the name of this setting.
  11. Next to The following values enter: ZivverOfficePlugin.AddinModule
  12. Activate the setting Remediate noncompliant rules when supported, to change existing settings that don’t match this rule.
  13. Click OK to create the rule.
  14. Click OK again to close the Create Setting window.
    You have now configured the DoNotDisableAddinList setting.


  1. On the Settings pane, click New… to open the Create Setting window.
  2. Under Specify details about this setting… enter the following information:
    • Name: LoadBehavior
    • Description: This setting determines whether the plugin is active or not in Outlook.
    • Setting Type: Registry Value
    • Data Type: Integer, for a DWORD value.
  3. Under Specify the registry value… enter the following information:
    • Hive Name: HKLM (system level)
    • Key name: SOFTWAREMicrosoftOfficeOutlookAddinsZivverOfficePlugin.AddinModule.
    • Value Name: LoadBehavior
    • If you use a 64-bit version of Outlook, check the option This registry value is associated with a 64-bit application.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Go to the Compliance Rules tab.
  6. Click New… to create a new Compliance Rule.
  7. Give the rule a Name.
    For example LoadBehavior Value Rule.
  8. Optional: Enter a Description for the rule.
  9. Check if the rule applies to the correct registry setting, as indicated by Selected Setting.
  10. As Rule Type, select Value.
  11. Under The setting must comply with the following rule, select Equals in the drop-down list next to the name of this setting.
  12. Next to The following values enter: 0.
  13. Activate the setting Remediate noncompliant rules when supported, to change existing settings that don’t match this rule.
  14. Click OK to create the rule.
  15. Click OK again to close the Create Setting window.
    You have now configured the LoadBehavior setting.


Configure AutoEnableSsoAccounts setting according to the following steps.

  1. On the Settings pane, click New… to open the Create Setting window.
  2. Under Specify details about this setting… enter the following information:
    • Name: AutoEnableSsoAccounts
    • Description: This setting automatically activates Zivver accounts in the plugin via SSO.
    • Setting Type: Registry Value
    • Data Type: Integer, for a DWORD value.
  3. Under Specify the registry value… enter the following information:
    • Hive Name: HKCU (user level).
    • Key name: SOFTWAREZivverOfficePluginSettings
    • Value Name: AutoEnableSsoAccounts
    • If you use a 64-bit version of Outlook, check the option This registry value is associated with a 64-bit application.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Go to the Compliance Rules tab.
  6. Click New… to create a new Compliance Rule.
  7. Give the rule a name.
    For example AutoEnableSsoAccounts Value Rule.
  8. Optional: Enter a Description for the rule.
  9. Check if the rule applies to the correct registry setting, as indicated by Selected Setting.
  10. As Rule Type, select Value.
  11. Under The setting must comply with the following rule, select Equals in the drop-down list next to the name of this setting.
  12. Next to The following values enter: 1
  13. Activate the setting Remediate noncompliant rules when supported, to change existing settings that don’t match this rule.
  14. Click OK to create the rule.
  15. Click OK again to close the Create Setting window. You have now configured the AutoEnableSsoAccounts setting.


Configure TryAutoReloginSso setting according to the following steps.

  1. On the Settings pane, click New… to open the Create Setting window.
  2. Under Specify details about this setting… enter the following information:
    • Name: TryAutoReloginSso
    • Description: This setting determines whether the plugin is active or not in Outlook.
    • Setting Type: Registry Value
    • Data Type: Integer, for a DWORD value.
  3. Under Specify the registry value… enter the following information:
    • Hive Name: HKCU (user level).
    • Key name: SOFTWAREZivverOfficePluginSettings
    • Value Name: TryAutoReloginSso
    • If you use a 64-bit version of Outlook, check the option This registry value is associated with a 64-bit application.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Go to the Compliance Rules tab.
  6. Click New… to create a new Compliance Rule.
  7. Give the rule a name.
    For example TryAutoReloginSso Value Rule.
  8. Optional: Enter a Description for the rule.
  9. Check if the rule applies to the correct registry setting, as indicated by Selected Setting.
  10. As Rule Type, select Value.
  11. Under The setting must comply with the following rule, select Equals in the drop-down list next to the name of this setting.
  12. Next to The following values enter: 1
  13. Activate the setting Remediate noncompliant rules when supported, to change existing settings that don’t match this rule.
  14. Click OK to create the rule.
  15. Click OK again to close the Create Setting window.
    You have now configured the TryAutoReloginSso setting.


  1. On the Settings pane, click New… to open the Create Setting window.
  2. Under Specify details about this setting… enter the following information:
    • Name: ShortRefreshTokenTTLHours
    • Description: This setting determines how long user session are active when they are logged in to Zivver.
    • Setting Type: Registry Value
    • Data Type: Integer, for a DWORD value.
  3. Under Specify the registry value… enter the following information:
    • Hive Name: HKCU (user level).
    • Key name: SOFTWAREZivverOfficePluginSettings
    • Value Name: ShortRefreshTokenTTLHours
    • If you use a 64-bit version of Outlook, check the option This registry value is associated with a 64-bit application.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Go to the Compliance Rules tab.
  6. Click New… to create a new Compliance Rule.
  7. Give the rule a name.
    For example ShortRefreshTokenTTLHours Value Rule.
  8. Check if the rule applies to the correct registry setting, as indicated by Selected Setting.
  9. As Rule Type, select Value.
  10. Under The setting must comply with the following rule, select Equals in the drop-down list next to the name of this setting.
  11. Next to The following values enter: 720
    This will set the active sessions in Zivver to last one month.
  12. Activate the setting Remediate noncompliant rules when supported, to change existing settings that don’t match this rule.
  13. Click OK to create the rule.
  14. Click OK again to close the Create Setting window.
    You have now configured the ShortRefreshTokenTTLHours setting.

Create a configuration item (contd.)

This section describes the steps to finalize the configuration of the CI from the previous section.

  1. Back in the Create Configuration Item Wizard, click Next.
  2. Click Next again, since the Compliance Rule is already configured.
  3. Review the information in the summary.
  4. Click Next.
    Wait a moment until the CI is created.
  5. Click Close to close the wizard.

The new CI should now be listed in the Configuration Items pane.

Create a configuration baseline

This section describes the steps to create a Configuration Baseline for the CI from the previous section.

  1. Select Configuration Baselines in the Assets And Compliance menu.
  2. Right-click Configuration Baselines and select Create Configuration Baseline.
  3. Enter a name.
    For example Zivver Plugin Settings.
  4. Optional: Enter a description.
  5. Below Configuration Data, click Add.
  6. Select Configuration Items.
    The Add Configuration Items window opens.
  7. Select all of the items related to the Zivver plugin that were just created, and click Add.
  8. All of the settings should now be listed under Configuration items that will be added to the configuration baseline.
  9. Click OK to confirm the selection.
  10. Click OK.

The configuration baseline is now created and ready to be deployed.

Deploy the settings

This section describes the steps to deploy the configuration baseline from the previous section.

  1. Right-click the configuration baseline you created in the previous section.
  2. Click Deploy to open the Deploy Configuration Baselines dialog.
  3. Activate the option Remediate noncompliant rules when supported to change any existing registry values.
  4. Under Select the collection for this configuration baseline deployment, click Browse.
  5. Select the User- or Device Collection you want to apply the settings to.
  6. Under Schedule, choose how often you want to enforce the Configuration Baseline.
    For example every hour or every day.
  7. Click OK to confirm the Deployment Configuration.

The settings will now be applied to the registries of selected users or machines.

Update the plugin

This chapter explains how to use Supersedence to upgrade an existing version of the plugin to the latest version.

Configure the update

Configure a new Application and Deployment Type for the updated version, as well as the Supersedence settings. Then let the plugin update supersede the existing version of the plugin according to the steps below.

  1. Create a new Application for the new version of the plugin according to the steps described at section Create an application.
  2. Configure a new Deployment Type for the update of the plugin according to the steps described at section Configure deployment type.
  3. Right-click the application of the plugin update.
  4. Select Properties.
  5. Go to the Supersedence tab.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Browse.
  8. Select the Application for the old version of the plugin.
  9. Click OK to confirm the selection.
    The deployment type for the old version of the plugin should now be listed.
  10. In the New Deployment Type column, select the Deployment Type for the update of the plugin.

    You do not need to activate the Uninstall option, since the new plugin version will overwrite the existing version during the upgrade.
  11. Click OK to close the Specify Supersedence Relationship window.

  12. Click OK to confirm the Supersedence settings and close the Properties window.

Deploy the update

Do these steps to deploy the plugin update.

  1. Right-click the Application of the new version of the plugin.
  2. Select Deploy.
    This will start the Deploy Software Wizard.
  3. Deploy the update of the plugin, as described in the chapter Deploy the plugin, but add the following step:
  4. In the Deployment Settings pane, activate the option Automatically upgrade any superseded versions of this application.
    This option ensures that all old versions of the plugin will be upgraded automatically, even if the Purpose is set to Available.
    The update will be deployed, and existing installations will be upgraded.

Uninstall the plugin

This chapter describes how to uninstall the Zivver Office Plugin. You will first delete the existing deployments, because a deployment with action Install takes precedence over Uninstall and the action cannot be changed for existing deployments.

  1. Select the Application of the plugin that will be uninstalled.
  2. Go to the Deployments tab.
  3. Right-click the Deployment for the plugin.
  4. Select Delete to remove the existing deployment.
  5. Right-click the Application of the plugin.
  6. Select Deploy.
  7. Deploy the update, as instructed in the chapter Deploy the plugin, with the following additional step:
  8. Select Uninstall as the Deployment action on the Deployment Settings page of the Deploy Software Wizard.
If you set Uninstall as the Deployment action the install Purpose is automatically set to Required.